Aug. 6, 2019

The Worlds We Live In - An Interview with An Old Friend

The Worlds We Live In - An Interview with An Old Friend
Natural Geekery Podcast

The Worlds We Live In - An Interview with An Old Friend

August 06, 2019

Join me as I talk role-playing, the power of story, and Lord of the Rings music you may not know about with my old friend, Dr. Scott Hippensteel, Director of Instrumental Music at Shepherd University.

Mentioned in the show - The pic of Scott seeing the vendor hall at GenCon for the first time.

Scott's Twitter - DrHipp1

Composer Johan de Meij's Website

Complete Performance of Lord of The Rings, Symphony #1 performed by the U.S. Marine Band. 

Tallsquall's Paladin ConDad Guide to GenCon - Via Scratticus Academy on Twitch
A  great stream featuring a ton of information for coming to GenCon for the first time.

You can find me on Twitter - @Coyoteguy
or email me at

Intro and Outro Music - Nomadic Sunset by Alexander Nakarada
Thank you, Alexander, for providing some awesome free music!

Join me as I talk role-playing, the power of story, and Lord of the Rings music you may not know about with my old friend, Dr. Scott Hippensteel, Director of Instrumental Music at Shepherd University.

Mentioned in the show - The pic of Scott seeing the vendor hall at GenCon for the first time.

Scott's Twitter - DrHipp1

Composer Johan de Meij's Website

Complete Performance of Lord of The Rings, Symphony #1 performed by the U.S. Marine Band. 

Tallsquall's Paladin ConDad Guide to GenCon - Via Scratticus Academy on Twitch
A  great stream featuring a ton of information for coming to GenCon for the first time.

You can find me on Twitter - @Coyoteguy
or email me at

Intro and Outro Music - Nomadic Sunset by Alexander Nakarada
Thank you, Alexander, for providing some awesome free music!