Season 3 Opener - Weirdos Unite!

Welcome to Season 3! It's been nearly a year! In this episode I do a little overview of what has been happening with the show during that time and then I interview Dylan from Roll4Dylan. We get into a wonderful discussion on roleplaying, gamemastering Twitch streams, improvisation, and nachos.
Roll4Dylan's Socials
RPG Consent Checklist
(This is the amazing resource Dylan mentions in the show.)
Natural Geekery / Wild is Plus! Discord Link (Come join the community!)
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If you have any comments, questions or would like to be interviewed on the show, please email me at or contact us on any of our social platforms
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PO Box #7651
Bloomington In. 47401
Intro and Outro Music - Nomadic Sunset by Alexander Nakarada
Thank you, Alexander, for providing some awesome free music!