"Opening a Window to Another World" - Interview with Tana Pigeon of Wordmill Games

Join me for an end of the year discussion with the creator of Mythic and the Mythic GM Emulator, Tana Pigeon. We talk solo roleplaying, passion projects, and not holding too much control of the rpg story.
You can find all of Tana's publications here at Wordmill Games! I also recommend any and all of the Crafter products for either GM's or solo roleplayers looking for inspiration.
Tana's Twitter link for WordMill Games.
Wordmill Games on Facebook.
Here is the DrivethruRPG site for all of the publications.
Mythic Group.IO site and the Mythic subReddit for further information and discussion with other fans.
Link to Natural Geekery page on Podpages. (Soon to be it's new full time home!)
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Intro and Outro Music - Nomadic Sunset by Alexander Nakarada
Thank you, Alexander, for providing some awesome free music!